Thursday, August 7, 2008

really random.

Yeow Wai Seng! Happy 16th Birthday! :D sorry lah, didn't prepare any present for you. Maybe I'll just make a card for you lah kay :) Hope you had a great party?

Anyway, I went ou to find birthday present for dad. Tomorrow will be his birthday :) But then we gonna celebrate it on Saturday since Friday bro & I have tuition.

Topshop - 50% discount!


Esprit - 30% discount!

: O

Miss Selfridge - not sure. but i can see those BIG BIG % in the shop!


Next week will be trials. after trials.. H.A.H.A. I'm going shooppiiiing c(: better keep your promise, mum :)

1 comment(s):

Wee Kiat said...

Hey, here's my number. I'll be back on Saturday night. Call me then la. Yup, we can go jogging together. 0123919765