Tuesday, October 14, 2008

love bug.

aw man. the weather is killing me! A cupcake with Nescafe is the best choice for this kind of weather. mhmm :) So .. English was easy, Science paper 1 was fine, err Paper 2 was just okay. The questions are actually not difficult, but I forgot some of it. I wanna score A's for these 2 subjects ;) and Math, Bahasa Melayu, KH. My mum say KH is a free A. is it is it ?? I find it kinda difficult.

Anyway, needa do some Math exercises now.

3 comment(s):

Jasmine Ning ning ning said...

i want!!!!!!!!!

Q said...

I commented.


Jas- no more already! buy it yourself! =p

Teddyboyfruit- I haven't hug my mum yet. haha